Selasa, 29 November 2016

Creating Sambas as Producer of Pepper

Land resources at Sambas City is region from island of  pulau Kalimantan which climate is tropical, that make sunlight shining  throughout the year  dash land in this area.This condition  indeed is potentional towards be used for the sake of growing establishment local farming.
Various kinds of  plants be able to be growing  prolifically at the tropic land, one of which is pepper. As for occasion for evolving perpper, cause pepper is commodities which hight sales value, as well as clove, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Perpper is spices which already to be merchandise the most sought after on the world ever since thousands of year ago.
Pepper is the plants originated from India, so that if for be expanded at Sambas have need of  according furher more, even though from aspect agroclimatology, natural conditions of Archipelago is very suitable. Most areas district of Sambas is areas which relatively flat (degree of slope 0%- 15%) with extensive 468.196 hectare or 67,59%  of the entire region. So that cultivation of pepper which standing on flat land  necessary drainage for avoiding pool, cause pool of waters be able decomposition of roots, especially for nursling.
Cultivation of pepper can be implemented at land which standing on level high under 600m dpl with rainfall between 2.200mm  up to 5.000mm every year. While Sambas area has level high 26-100m dpl (for sub-districts on Sejangkung, Sambas, Tebas, Selakau, Pemangkat, Teluk Keramat and Paloh) with rainfall on Sambas district reach 3.973,50 millimeter.
Air temperature which supports cultivation pepper about 20 degrees celcius up to 35 degrees celcius. While Sambas area be based data from meteorological stations of Paloh, average temperature is 26.74°C (between 23,53°C up to 31,74°C). The maxsimum air temperature occur on May and July that is 33°C, while the minimum is 22,90°C occur on February.
So, the conclusion that explanation it is very imply for evolving production pepper in Sambas. And now government of Kalimantan Barat, already realized that potention of natural resources, and  doing  promote farmers for cultivate that pepper as for any of the efforts which have been done is with offered pepper seedlingsfor free to farmers through program government.
For cultivation of pepper is not enough if just be planted, be required treatment like fastening tendrils of vines, weeding, watering, fertilization, mulcing, up to manufacture stake. Moreover do not let that plants attacked by pest and disiase. Pepper harvest usually can be do it after that pepper is three year old.
The farmers ought knowed technique of pepper cultivation well so that plant can growing with optimal and presenting the best yields, therefore the pepper farmers needed guidance agricultural extension.
Yields of cultivasion of pepper ussually can be doing after plants 3 or 4 year old. Harvesting can go on until plants 15 year old or more. At first the pepper fruit colored is light green then turn to dark green, and furthermore turn to fulvous.
On its way, on cultivasion of pepper not always facile, therefore the pepper farmers ought be ready to gain profit, but also ready to admit if the plants attacked pest and disease or stricken natural disasters or everything which may occur. But certainly able and ready does not mean resigned but must capable for preparing preventing or minimizing everything which is disserve.

kerangka konsep pidato


  • Potensi sumber daya lahan sambas
  •  Kesesuaian tanaman lada untuk dikembangkan di sambas
  •  Gerakan pemerintah demi mengembangkan lada di sambas
  •  Upaya dari petani sendiri yang akhirnya berefek pada hasil panen, dan kesejahteraan petani

  •  The potentional of land resources on Sambas
  •  Suitability of pepper for be expanding on Sambas
  •   Action from Goverment sake be expanding pepper on Sambas
  •   Effort from farmers self which determine of yields, and eventually for wealth of farmers