Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

my speech...

Archipelago be know as “The Kolam Susu” cause in there land can be growing any kind of plants. That is not wonder, temperate on this place is tropic.   

Land resources at Sambas City is region from island of  Kalimantan which climate is tropical,, that make sunlight shining  throughout the year dash land in this area. This condition  indeed is potentional towards be used for the sake of growing establishment local farming.
Various kinds of  plants be able to be growing  prolifically at the tropic land, one of which is pepper. As for occasion for evolving pepper, cause pepper is commodities which hight sales value, as well as clove, nutmeg, and cinnamon. Pepper is spices which already to be merchandise the most sought after on the world ever since thousands of year ago.
And now government of Kalimantan Barat, already realized that potention of natural resources. They have doing  promote farmers for cultivate that pepper as for any of the efforts which have been done is with offered pepper seedlings for free to farmers through program government.
For cultivation of pepper is not enough if just be planted, be required treatment like fastening tendrils of vines, weeding, watering, fertilization, mulching, up to manufacture stake. Moreover do not let that plants attacked by pest and disiase.
The farmers ought knowed technique of pepper cultivation well, so that plant can growing with optimal and presenting the best yields, therefore the pepper farmers needed guidance agricultural extension.
Yields of cultivation of pepper ussually can be doing after plants 3 or 4 year old. Harvesting can go on until plants 15 year old or more. At first the pepper fruit colored is light green then turn to dark green, and furthermore turn to fulvous.
On its way, on cultivation of pepper not always facile, therefore the pepper farmers ought be not only ready to gain profit, but also ready to admit if the plants attacked pest and disease or stricken natural disasters or everything which may occur. But certainly able and ready does not mean resigned but must capable for preparing preventing or minimizing everything which is disserve.

That is all which I convey on this opportunity,.. for your attention,... I say thank you very much.

My recommendations for thing to do in my town

Sambas city.., this is my town, actually my birth palace not be precisely on sambas center,  indeed I was born at sub district on Tebas. However I be enlarged on this palace. So in a nutshell this palace is very memorable in my mind. And again my father birth palace are in this town.

There maybe not be many things which can be doing on this palace, but I think if you guys come to this town, you will find you are feel be content against this town. Sambas city have the beautiful river. This river have glamour which typical for me, and I surely also for you. For me, with see the flow of river flowing that make me reassuring, that as refreshing my mind and my soul. The Moment when I looked that, not only soothing eye, but also I feel my body buffeted soft breeze, that is so pleasure.

I think, I sure The river of Sambas is the one which very beautiful amongest much rivers on earth. However glamour of the river only visible when river flow in a state of high tide, if when river flow in a state of not high tide, the glamour is seen not perpect. So come guys to visit there when river flow in a state of high tide.

This is My meal, I choose……….

Initially I have trouble in deciding, approximately what food I choose, after all I think I must to choose Durian. This fruit is the food I have do choose. Durian is the king of fruit, if on world of animal the king of they are lion, on world of fruit, Durian which take that place. I also not be so get it, why this fruit called as The king of fruit, maybe cause form of this fruit which classy and spiny. However don’t judge the book from the cover guys, although this fruit appear from the outside is full of thorns and not be charming, but to the inside of this fruit is very nice, so sensation which typical from this fruit.

Even though not all people which be intrusiveness with this fruit, moreover not a few that even want to puke when only be sniff smell of this fruit, I don’t know how this is can be happening. Surely this fruit have many advantage one of them is for skin health, but this fruit also can be damage if to consume be excessively, cause can be increasing blood sugar levels. So guys keep be careful to consume this fruit.

A letter to my younger self and my 10-years-later self

Pontianak, December 17, 2016

Dear my self,

You should be pay attention to yourself, cause only you have recognize yourself deeper, so try to be care at your body, take care that body which has awarded to you. Past time is the lesson, future is destination, The time is it should can be spinning backwards, that’s be cleared written on my belief in the scriptures, on sura Al-A’raf particle thirty-four; “ Every group to have time limit accordingly if already come that time, they can not postpone although a moment and can not be too moving it forward”.

And then, for in the future, have a care for every thing, slowly in making decisions,  and keep to be firm on the estabilishment.  Tomorrow is the mistery thing, we can not estimate, what heven will be faced in the future. For that human beings just trying, but only Allah SWT which determine. None the less, we should not only doing nothing, and just flow, that is not recommend, but ought we must enthusiasitic attempted with all capabilities, then that result submitted to the sublime wils, that’s Allah SWT. So don’t be tired to be keep attempted and don’t forget to prayer.