Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

My recommendations for thing to do in my town

Sambas city.., this is my town, actually my birth palace not be precisely on sambas center,  indeed I was born at sub district on Tebas. However I be enlarged on this palace. So in a nutshell this palace is very memorable in my mind. And again my father birth palace are in this town.

There maybe not be many things which can be doing on this palace, but I think if you guys come to this town, you will find you are feel be content against this town. Sambas city have the beautiful river. This river have glamour which typical for me, and I surely also for you. For me, with see the flow of river flowing that make me reassuring, that as refreshing my mind and my soul. The Moment when I looked that, not only soothing eye, but also I feel my body buffeted soft breeze, that is so pleasure.

I think, I sure The river of Sambas is the one which very beautiful amongest much rivers on earth. However glamour of the river only visible when river flow in a state of high tide, if when river flow in a state of not high tide, the glamour is seen not perpect. So come guys to visit there when river flow in a state of high tide.

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