Sabtu, 17 Desember 2016

A letter to my younger self and my 10-years-later self

Pontianak, December 17, 2016

Dear my self,

You should be pay attention to yourself, cause only you have recognize yourself deeper, so try to be care at your body, take care that body which has awarded to you. Past time is the lesson, future is destination, The time is it should can be spinning backwards, that’s be cleared written on my belief in the scriptures, on sura Al-A’raf particle thirty-four; “ Every group to have time limit accordingly if already come that time, they can not postpone although a moment and can not be too moving it forward”.

And then, for in the future, have a care for every thing, slowly in making decisions,  and keep to be firm on the estabilishment.  Tomorrow is the mistery thing, we can not estimate, what heven will be faced in the future. For that human beings just trying, but only Allah SWT which determine. None the less, we should not only doing nothing, and just flow, that is not recommend, but ought we must enthusiasitic attempted with all capabilities, then that result submitted to the sublime wils, that’s Allah SWT. So don’t be tired to be keep attempted and don’t forget to prayer.

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