Rabu, 07 Desember 2016

Two things that I have to bring everywhere I go is......

Maybe majority of the most of people thinking, what two things that they are always have to bring everywhere they go is wallet and their smart phone, but is not like that with me. I think two items that I have to bring everywhere I go is the key and some money which always together with me in my pocket.

The key of my Yamaha Vega ZR is the firs thing which I have to bring everywhere I go. Cause my key is the very important thing which always keep company with me every where I go, even when I while not make use of my Yamaha Vega Zr, even while I going to the water closet I still bring my key with me, wkwkwkwk.......

And money, while I want going to shop, I just take some money and immediately going to shop close-in. Even though while I no need my motorcycle, I always bring my key and holding with my hand in my pocket.  So conclusions two item which always keep company with me everywhere I go is my key of Vega Zr and some money which always ready on my pocket.  So guys I think just that all, I can write, thanks.

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